Getting Started

Welcome to polygon. Read this page to quickly install and configure this library to write your first Polygon Python application.

It is highly recommended to read this page to the full as it has important information

What you need to have

  1. A account and your API key. Find your api key on Your Dashboard

  2. Python version 3.6 or higher. Don’t have it installed? Install python

Once you have done these, Proceed to the installation of the library. Skip if already done.

Installing polygon

The recommended method of installation for all users is to install using pip from PyPi. A virtual environment is highly recommended but not a necessity.

run the below command in terminal (same for all OS)

pip install polygon

To confirm the install worked, try importing the package as such

import polygon

If this doesn’t throw any errors, the install worked. You may proceed to next steps now.

General guide for clients

This section would provide general guidance on the clients without going into specific endpoints as stocks or options.

As you already know has two major classes of APIs. The REST APIs and websockets streaming APIs.

This library implements all of them.

Be sure to check out our special section What the Hell are Enums Anyways for info on enums which will be used in many functions in this library to avoid passing error prone data.

A detailed description of how to use the streaming endpoints is provided in the streamer docs linked above.

Need examples? The github repository has a few you could use.

Creating and Using REST HTTP clients

This section aims to outline the general procedure to create and use the http clients in both regular and async programming methods.

First up, you’d import the library. There are many ways to import names from a library and it is highly recommended to complete fundamental python if you’re not aware of them.

import polygon

Now creating a client is as simple as (using stocks and forex clients as examples here)

  1. Regular client: stocks_client = polygon.StocksClient('API_KEY')

  2. Async client: forex_client = polygon.ForexClient('API_KEY', True)

You can also specify timeouts on requests. By default the timeout is set to 10 seconds for both connection timeout and read timeout which should be fine for most people. You can specify both connect and read OR either one of them. If you’re unsure of what this implies, it’s just the max time limit to specify for a request. Don’t change it unless you know you need to.

# client with a custom timeout. Default is 10 seconds
client = polygon.StocksClient('api_key', connect_timeout=15)

# another one
client = polygon.StocksClient('api_key', connect_timeout=5, read_timeout=5)

# An async one now
client = polygon.StocksClient('key', True, read_timeout=5)

# another async one
client = polygon.StocksClient('key', True, read_timeout=5, connect_timeout=15)

Note that It is NOT recommended to hard code your API key or other credentials into your code unless you really have a use case. Instead preferably do one of the following:

  1. create a separate python file with credentials, import that file into main file and reference using variable names.

  2. Use environment variables.

Now that you have a client, simply call its methods to get data from the API

current_price = stocks_client.get_current_price('AMD')
print(f'Current price for AMD is {current_price}')

Note that you can have instances of all 5 different types of http clients together. So you can create client for each one of the stocks, options and other APIs

All the clients in the lib support context managers

with polygon.StocksClient('KEY') as client:
    last_quote = client.get_last_quote('AMD)
    print(f'Last quote for AMD: {last_quote}')

Using context managers ensures that the connections opened up to make requests are closed properly.

You can manually close the connections if you’re not using context managers:

  1. for regular non-async: client.close()

  2. for async: await client.async_close()

This is not an absolute necessity but rather a good software practice to close out resources when you don’t need them.

Calling the methods/functions

Most methods and functions have sane default values which can be customized as needed. Required parameters need to be supplied as positional arguments (which just means that the order of arguments matter when passing more than one).

Parameters which have special values are supplied as python enums. You can however always pass in your own values but it is recommended to use enums as they mitigate the possibilities of an error.

All enums are available in the module polygon.enums and can be imported the way you like.

If you’re still unsure about enums, see our dedicated section: What the Hell are Enums Anyways

Return Values

Most methods would by default return a dictionary/list object containing the data from the API. If you need the underlying response object you need to pass in raw_response=True in the function call. It might be useful for checking status_code or inspecting headers.

For 99% users, the default should be good enough.

The underlying response object returned is requests.models.Response for regular client and httpx.Response for async client. Using .json() on the response object gets you the data dict/list

Once you have the response, you can utilize the data in any way that you like. You can push it to a database, create a pandas dataframe, save it to a file or process it the way you like.

Every method’s documentation contains a direct link to the corresponding official documentation page where you can see what the keys in the response mean.

Pagination Support

So quite a few endpoints implement pagination for large response and hence the library implements a simple mechanism to get next page of the response. (support for previous page is also available but not all endpoints will have previous page implementation. The documentation will mention which endpoint has which kinda pagination implementation so make sure you read that)

This blog by polygon explains a few concepts around pagination and other query extensions. A good read overall.

The pagination function simply parses the next_url attribute (for next page) and previous_url attribute (for previous page) and send an authorized request using your key as header.

The functions will return False if there is no next/previous page remaining or the endpoint doesn’t support pagination.

All REST clients have these functions and you will use the same function name for all endpoints. See examples below

first here is how the functions for pagination look like: (click on names to see definition - you won’t have to import them with this name. They are avaiable with the client you create as shown in examples below)

for usual client: polygon.base_client.BaseClient.get_next_page() || polygon.base_client.BaseClient.get_previous_page()

For async client: polygon.base_client.BaseClient.async_get_next_page() || polygon.base_client.BaseClient.async_get_previous_page()

Examples Use

# assuming a client is created already
data = client.get_trades(<blah-blah>)

next_page_of_data = client.get_next_page(data)  # getting NEXT page
previous_page_of_data = client.get_previous_page(data)  # getting PREVIOUS page

# ASYNC example
await client.async_get_next_page(data)
await client.async_get_previous_page(data)

# It's wise to check if the value returned is not False.

In practice, to get all pages (either next or previous), you’ll need a while loop An example:

responses = []

response = client.get_trades(<blah-blah>)  # using get_trades as example. you can use it on all methods which support pagination
responses.append(response)  # using a list to store all the pages of response. You can use your own approach here.

while 'next_url' in response.keys():  # change to 'previous_url' for previous pages
    response = client.get_next_page(response)  # similarly change to get_previous_page for previous pages.

    responses.append(response)  # adding further responses to our list. you can use your own approach.

print('all pages received.')

Async Support for REST endpoints

As you saw above in the example, the clients have methods for each endpoint. The usual client is a sync client. However support for async is also provided for all the endpoints on all the clients.

Here is how to make use of it (This info is applicable to ALL rest clients)

First up, you’d create a client. Earlier you created a client by passing in just your API key. Here you’d create the client with an additional argument.

so instead of something like: StocksClient('API_KEY'), you’d do

client = StocksClient('KEY', True)   # or use_async=True for second parameter

This gives you an async client. Similar to sync, you can have all 5 different clients together.

ALL the methods you’d use for async client have async_ in front of their sync counterpart names. so async_get_trades, async_get_snapshot and so on…

So if a method is named get_trades() in usual client, in async client you’d have it as async_get_trades() and this behavior is true for all methods

Here is how you can use it grab the current price of a symbol

import polygon

async def main():
    stocks_client = polygon.StocksClient('API_KEY', True)

    current_price = await stocks_client.async_get_current_price('AMD')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import asyncio

Note that I’m working towards avoiding this name difference across sync and async clients. Feedback is appreciated.

Special Points

  • All the date parameters in any method/function in the library can be supplied as or datetime.datetime You may also pass in a string in format: YYYY-MM-DD.

  • You would notice some parameters having lt, lte, gt and gte in their names. Those parameters are supposed to be filters for less than, less than or equal to, greater than, greater than or equal to respectively. To know more see heading Query Filter Extensions in This blog post by polygon To explain: imagine a parameter: fill_date_lt. now the date you’ll supply would be a filter for values less than the given value and hence you’d get results which have fill_date less than your specified value, which in this case is a date.

  • Some endpoints may not return a dictionary and instead return a list. The number of such endpoints is very low. Similarly get current price returns a float/integer. I’m working towards reflecting the same in individual method’s docs.

  • It is highly recommended to use the documentation website’s quick test functionality to play around with the endpoints.

  • Type hinting in function/method definitions indicate what data type does that parameter is supposed to be. If you think the type hinting is incomplete/incorrect, let me know. For example you might ses: cost: int which means this parameter cost is supposed to be an integer. adjusted: bool is another example for a boolean (either True or False)

  • You’ll notice some type hints having Union in them followed by two or more types inside a square bracket. That simply means the parameter could be of any type from that list in bracket . For example: price: Union[str, float, int] means the parameter price could be either a string, a float or an integer. You’d notice Union type hints more on return types of the functions/methods.

so far so good? Start by taking a look at the complete docs for endpoints you need. Here is a quick list