Reference APIs

Read this page to know everything you need to know about using the various References HTTP endpoints.

See Async Support for REST endpoints for asynchronous use cases.

Docs below assume you have already read getting started page and know how to create the client. If you do not know how to create the client, first see General guide for clients & functions and create client as below. As always you can have all 5 different clients together.

import polygon

reference_client = polygon.ReferenceClient('KEY')  # for usual sync client
async_reference_client = polygon.ReferenceClient('KEY', True)  # for an async client

here is how the client initializer looks like:

polygon.reference_apis.reference_api.ReferenceClient(api_key: str, use_async: bool = False, connect_timeout: int = 10, read_timeout: int = 10, pool_timeout: int = 10, max_connections: int | None = None, max_keepalive: int | None = None, write_timeout: int = 10)

Initiates a Client to be used to access all REST References endpoints.

  • api_key – Your API Key. Visit your dashboard to get yours.

  • use_async – Set it to True to get async client. Defaults to usual non-async client.

  • connect_timeout – The connection timeout in seconds. Defaults to 10. basically the number of seconds to wait for a connection to be established. Raises a ConnectTimeout if unable to connect within specified time limit.

  • read_timeout – The read timeout in seconds. Defaults to 10. basically the number of seconds to wait for date to be received. Raises a ReadTimeout if unable to connect within the specified time limit.

  • pool_timeout – The pool timeout in seconds. Defaults to 10. Basically the number of seconds to wait while trying to get a connection from connection pool. Do NOT change if you’re unsure of what it implies

  • max_connections – Max number of connections in the pool. Defaults to NO LIMITS. Do NOT change if you’re unsure of application

  • max_keepalive – max number of allowable keep alive connections in the pool. Defaults to no limit. Do NOT change if you’re unsure of the applications.

  • write_timeout – The write timeout in seconds. Defaults to 10. basically the number of seconds to wait for data to be written/posted. Raises a WriteTimeout if unable to connect within the specified time limit.


To use any of the below method, simply call it on the client you created above. so if you named your client client, you’d call the methods as client.get_tickers and so on. Async methods will need to be awaited, see Async Support for REST endpoints.

Get Tickers

This endpoint supports pagination. Passing all_pages=True enables it. See Pagination Support for better info

SyncReferenceClient.get_tickers(symbol: str = '', ticker_lt=None, ticker_lte=None, ticker_gt=None, ticker_gte=None, symbol_type='', market='', exchange: str = '', cusip: str | None = None, cik: str = '', date=None, search: str | None = None, active: bool = True, sort='ticker', order='asc', limit: int = 1000, all_pages: bool = False, max_pages: int | None = None, merge_all_pages: bool = True, verbose: bool = False, raw_page_responses: bool = False, raw_response: bool = False)

Query all ticker symbols which are supported by This API currently includes Stocks/Equities, Crypto, and Forex. Official Docs

  • symbol – Specify a ticker symbol. Defaults to empty string which queries all tickers.

  • ticker_lt – Return results where this field is less than the value given

  • ticker_lte – Return results where this field is less than or equal to the value given

  • ticker_gt – Return results where this field is greater than the value given

  • ticker_gte – Return results where this field is greater than or equal to the value given

  • symbol_type – Specify the type of the tickers. See polygon.enums.TickerType for common choices. Find all supported types via the Ticker Types API Defaults to empty string which queries all types.

  • market – Filter by market type. By default all markets are included. See polygon.enums.TickerMarketType for available choices.

  • exchange – Specify the primary exchange of the asset in the ISO code format. Find more information about the ISO codes at the ISO org website. Defaults to empty string which queries all exchanges.

  • cusip – Specify the CUSIP code of the asset you want to search for. Find more information about CUSIP codes on their website Defaults to empty string which queries all CUSIPs

  • cik – Specify the CIK of the asset you want to search for. Find more information about CIK codes at their website Defaults to empty string which queries all CIKs.

  • date – Specify a point in time to retrieve tickers available on that date. Defaults to the most recent available date. Could be datetime, date or a string YYYY-MM-DD

  • search – Search for terms within the ticker and/or company name. for e.g. MS will match matching symbols

  • active – Specify if the tickers returned should be actively traded on the queried date. Default is True

  • sort – The field to sort the results on. Default is ticker. If the search query parameter is present, sort is ignored and results are ordered by relevance. See polygon.enums.TickerSortType for available choices.

  • order – The order to sort the results on. Default is asc. See polygon.enums.SortOrder for available choices.

  • limit – Limit the size of the response, default is 1000 which is also the max. Pagination is supported by the pagination function below

  • all_pages – Whether to paginate through next/previous pages internally. Defaults to False. If set to True, it will try to paginate through all pages and merge all pages internally for you.

  • max_pages – how many pages to fetch. Defaults to None which fetches all available pages. Change to an integer to fetch at most that many pages. This param is only considered if all_pages is set to True

  • merge_all_pages – If this is True, returns a single merged response having all the data. If False, returns a list of all pages received. The list can be either a list of response objects or decoded data itself, controlled by parameter raw_page_responses. This argument is Only considered if all_pages is set to True. Default: True

  • verbose – Set to True to print status messages during the pagination process. Defaults to False.

  • raw_page_responses – If this is true, the list of pages will be a list of corresponding Response objects. Else, it will be a list of actual data for pages. This parameter is only considered if merge_all_pages is set to False. Default: False

  • raw_response – whether to return the Response Object. Useful for when you need to say check the status code or inspect the headers. Defaults to False which returns the json decoded dictionary. This is ignored if pagination is set to True.


A JSON decoded Dictionary by default. Make raw_response=True to get underlying response object. If pagination is set to True, will return a merged response of all pages for convenience.

Get Ticker Types

SyncReferenceClient.get_ticker_types(asset_class=None, locale=None, raw_response: bool = False)

Get a mapping of ticker types to their descriptive names. Official Docs

  • asset_class – Filter by asset class. see polygon.enums.AssetClass for choices

  • locale – Filter by locale. See polygon.enums.Locale for choices

  • raw_response – whether to return the Response Object. Useful for when you need to say check the status code or inspect the headers. Defaults to False which returns the json decoded dictionary.


A JSON decoded Dictionary by default. Make raw_response=True to get underlying response object

Get Ticker Details

SyncReferenceClient.get_ticker_details(symbol: str, date=None, raw_response: bool = False)

Get a single ticker supported by This response will have detailed information about the ticker and the company behind it. Official Docs

  • symbol – The ticker symbol of the asset.

  • date – Specify a point in time to get information about the ticker available on that date. When retrieving information from SEC filings, we compare this date with the period of report date on the SEC filing. Defaults to the most recent available date.

  • raw_response – whether to return the Response Object. Useful for when you need to say check the status code or inspect the headers. Defaults to False which returns the json decoded dictionary.


A JSON decoded Dictionary by default. Make raw_response=True to get underlying response object

Get Option Contract

SyncReferenceClient.get_option_contract(ticker: str, as_of_date=None, raw_response: bool = False)

get Info about an option contract Official Docs

  • ticker – An option ticker in standard format. The lib provides easy functions to build and work with option symbols

  • as_of_date – Specify a point in time for the contract. You can pass a datetime or date object or a string in format YYYY-MM-DD. Defaults to today’s date

  • raw_response – whether to return the Response Object. Useful for when you need to say check the status code or inspect the headers. Defaults to False which returns the json decoded dictionary.


A JSON decoded Dictionary by default. Make raw_response=True to get underlying response object

Get Option Contracts

This endpoint supports pagination. Passing all_pages=True enables it. See Pagination Support for better info

SyncReferenceClient.get_option_contracts(underlying_ticker: str | None = None, ticker: str | None = None, contract_type=None, expiration_date=None, expiration_date_lt=None, expiration_date_lte=None, expiration_date_gt=None, expiration_date_gte=None, order='asc', sort='expiration_date', limit=1000, all_pages: bool = False, max_pages: int | None = None, merge_all_pages: bool = True, verbose: bool = False, raw_page_responses: bool = False, raw_response: bool = False, as_of_date=None)

List currently active options contracts Official Docs

  • underlying_ticker – Query for contracts relating to an underlying stock ticker.

  • ticker – Query for a contract by option ticker.

  • contract_type – Query by the type of contract. see polygon.enums.OptionsContractType for choices

  • expiration_date – Query by contract expiration date. either datetime, date or string YYYY-MM-DD

  • expiration_date_lt – expiration date less than given value

  • expiration_date_lte – expiration date less than equal to given value

  • expiration_date_gt – expiration_date greater than given value

  • expiration_date_gte – expiration_date greater than equal to given value

  • order – Order of results. See polygon.enums.SortOrder for choices.

  • sort – Sort field for ordering. See polygon.enums.OptionsContractsSortType for choices. defaults to expiration_date

  • limit – Limit the size of the response, default is 1000. Pagination is supported by the pagination function below

  • all_pages – Whether to paginate through next/previous pages internally. Defaults to False. If set to True, it will try to paginate through all pages and merge all pages internally for you.

  • max_pages – how many pages to fetch. Defaults to None which fetches all available pages. Change to an integer to fetch at most that many pages. This param is only considered if all_pages is set to True

  • merge_all_pages – If this is True, returns a single merged response having all the data. If False, returns a list of all pages received. The list can be either a list of response objects or decoded data itself, controlled by parameter raw_page_responses. This argument is Only considered if all_pages is set to True. Default: True

  • verbose – Set to True to print status messages during the pagination process. Defaults to False.

  • raw_page_responses – If this is true, the list of pages will be a list of corresponding Response objects. Else, it will be a list of actual data for pages. This parameter is only considered if merge_all_pages is set to False. Default: False

  • raw_response – whether to return the Response Object. Useful for when you need to say check the status code or inspect the headers. Defaults to False which returns the json decoded dictionary. This is ignored if pagination is set to True.

  • as_of_date – Specify a point in time for contracts as of this date with format YYYY-MM-DD. Defaults to today’s date.


A JSON decoded Dictionary by default. Make raw_response=True to get underlying response object. If pagination is set to True, will return a merged response of all pages for convenience.

Get Ticker News

This endpoint supports pagination. Passing all_pages=True enables it. See Pagination Support for better info

SyncReferenceClient.get_ticker_news(symbol: str | None = None, limit: int = 1000, order='desc', sort='published_utc', ticker_lt=None, ticker_lte=None, ticker_gt=None, ticker_gte=None, published_utc=None, published_utc_lt=None, published_utc_lte=None, published_utc_gt=None, published_utc_gte=None, all_pages: bool = False, max_pages: int | None = None, merge_all_pages: bool = True, verbose: bool = False, raw_page_responses: bool = False, raw_response: bool = False)

Get the most recent news articles relating to a stock ticker symbol, including a summary of the article and a link to the original source. Official Docs

  • symbol – To get news mentioning the name given. Defaults to empty string which doesn’t filter tickers

  • limit – Limit the size of the response, default is 1000 which is also the max. Pagination is supported by the pagination function below

  • order – Order the results. See polygon.enums.SortOrder for choices.

  • sort – The field key to sort. See polygon.enums.TickerNewsSort for choices.

  • ticker_lt – Return results where this field is less than the value.

  • ticker_lte – Return results where this field is less than or equal to the value.

  • ticker_gt – Return results where this field is greater than the value

  • ticker_gte – Return results where this field is greater than or equal to the value.

  • published_utc – A date string YYYY-MM-DD or datetime for published date time filters.

  • published_utc_lt – Return results where this field is less than the value given

  • published_utc_lte – Return results where this field is less than or equal to the value given

  • published_utc_gt – Return results where this field is greater than the value given

  • published_utc_gte – Return results where this field is greater than or equal to the value given

  • all_pages – Whether to paginate through next/previous pages internally. Defaults to False. If set to True, it will try to paginate through all pages and merge all pages internally for you.

  • max_pages – how many pages to fetch. Defaults to None which fetches all available pages. Change to an integer to fetch at most that many pages. This param is only considered if all_pages is set to True

  • merge_all_pages – If this is True, returns a single merged response having all the data. If False, returns a list of all pages received. The list can be either a list of response objects or decoded data itself, controlled by parameter raw_page_responses. This argument is Only considered if all_pages is set to True. Default: True

  • verbose – Set to True to print status messages during the pagination process. Defaults to False.

  • raw_page_responses – If this is true, the list of pages will be a list of corresponding Response objects. Else, it will be a list of actual data for pages. This parameter is only considered if merge_all_pages is set to False. Default: False

  • raw_response – whether to return the Response Object. Useful for when you need to say check the status code or inspect the headers. Defaults to False which returns the json decoded dictionary. This is ignored if pagination is set to True.


A JSON decoded Dictionary by default. Make raw_response=True to get underlying response object. If pagination is set to True, will return a merged response of all pages for convenience.

Get Stock dividends

This endpoint supports pagination. Passing all_pages=True enables it. See Pagination Support for better info

SyncReferenceClient.get_stock_dividends(ticker: str | None = None, ex_dividend_date=None, record_date=None, declaration_date=None, pay_date=None, frequency: int | None = None, limit: int = 1000, cash_amount=None, dividend_type=None, sort: str = 'pay_date', order: str = 'asc', ticker_lt=None, ticker_lte=None, ticker_gt=None, ticker_gte=None, ex_dividend_date_lt=None, ex_dividend_date_lte=None, ex_dividend_date_gt=None, ex_dividend_date_gte=None, record_date_lt=None, record_date_lte=None, record_date_gt=None, record_date_gte=None, declaration_date_lt=None, declaration_date_lte=None, declaration_date_gt=None, declaration_date_gte=None, pay_date_lt=None, pay_date_lte=None, pay_date_gt=None, pay_date_gte=None, cash_amount_lt=None, cash_amount_lte=None, cash_amount_gt=None, cash_amount_gte=None, all_pages: bool = False, max_pages: int | None = None, merge_all_pages: bool = True, verbose: bool = False, raw_page_responses: bool = False, raw_response: bool = False)

Get a list of historical cash dividends, including the ticker symbol, declaration date, ex-dividend date, record date, pay date, frequency, and amount. Official Docs

  • ticker – Return the dividends that contain this ticker.

  • ex_dividend_date – Query by ex-dividend date. could be a date, datetime object or a string YYYY-MM-DD

  • record_date – Query by record date. could be a date, datetime object or a string YYYY-MM-DD

  • declaration_date – Query by declaration date. could be a date, datetime object or a string YYYY-MM-DD

  • pay_date – Query by pay date. could be a date, datetime object or a string YYYY-MM-DD

  • frequency – Query by the number of times per year the dividend is paid out. No default value applied. see polygon.enums.PayoutFrequency for choices

  • limit – Limit the size of the response, default is 1000 which is also the max. Pagination is supported by the pagination function below

  • cash_amount – Query by the cash amount of the dividend.

  • dividend_type – Query by the type of dividend. See polygon.enums.DividendType for choices

  • sort – sort key used for ordering. See polygon.enums.DividendSort for choices.

  • order – orders of results. defaults to asc. see polygon.enums.SortOrder for choices

  • ticker_lt – filter where ticker is less than given value (alphabetically)

  • ticker_lte – filter where ticker is less than or equal to given value (alphabetically)

  • ticker_gt – filter where ticker is greater than given value (alphabetically)

  • ticker_gte – filter where ticker is greater than or equal to given value (alphabetically)

  • ex_dividend_date_lt – filter where ex-div date is less than given date

  • ex_dividend_date_lte – filter where ex-div date is less than or equal to given date

  • ex_dividend_date_gt – filter where ex-div date is greater than given date

  • ex_dividend_date_gte – filter where ex-div date is greater than or equal to given date

  • record_date_lt – filter where record date is less than given date

  • record_date_lte – filter where record date is less than or equal to given date

  • record_date_gt – filter where record date is greater than given date

  • record_date_gte – filter where record date is greater than or equal to given date

  • declaration_date_lt – filter where declaration date is less than given date

  • declaration_date_lte – filter where declaration date is less than or equal to given date

  • declaration_date_gt – filter where declaration date is greater than given date

  • declaration_date_gte – filter where declaration date is greater than or equal to given date

  • pay_date_lt – filter where pay date is less than given date

  • pay_date_lte – filter where pay date is less than or equal to given date

  • pay_date_gt – filter where pay date is greater than given date

  • pay_date_gte – filter where pay date is greater than or equal to given date

  • cash_amount_lt – filter where cash amt is less than given value

  • cash_amount_lte – filter where cash amt is less than or equal to given value

  • cash_amount_gt – filter where cash amt is greater than given value

  • cash_amount_gte – filter where cash amt is greater than or equal to given value

  • all_pages – Whether to paginate through next/previous pages internally. Defaults to False. If set to True, it will try to paginate through all pages and merge all pages internally for you.

  • max_pages – how many pages to fetch. Defaults to None which fetches all available pages. Change to an integer to fetch at most that many pages. This param is only considered if all_pages is set to True

  • merge_all_pages – If this is True, returns a single merged response having all the data. If False, returns a list of all pages received. The list can be either a list of response objects or decoded data itself, controlled by parameter raw_page_responses. This argument is Only considered if all_pages is set to True. Default: True

  • verbose – Set to True to print status messages during the pagination process. Defaults to False.

  • raw_page_responses – If this is true, the list of pages will be a list of corresponding Response objects. Else, it will be a list of actual data for pages. This parameter is only considered if merge_all_pages is set to False. Default: False

  • raw_response – whether to return the Response Object. Useful for when you need to say check the status code or inspect the headers. Defaults to False which returns the json decoded dictionary. This is ignored if pagination is set to True.


A JSON decoded Dictionary by default. Make raw_response=True to get underlying response object. If pagination is set to True, will return a merged response of all pages for convenience.

Get Stock financials vX

SyncReferenceClient.get_stock_financials_vx(ticker: str | None = None, cik: str | None = None, company_name: str | None = None, company_name_search: str | None = None, sic: str | None = None, filing_date=None, filing_date_lt=None, filing_date_lte=None, filing_date_gt=None, filing_date_gte=None, period_of_report_date=None, period_of_report_date_lt=None, period_of_report_date_lte=None, period_of_report_date_gt=None, period_of_report_date_gte=None, time_frame=None, include_sources: bool = False, order='asc', limit: int = 50, sort='filing_date', all_pages: bool = False, max_pages: int | None = None, merge_all_pages: bool = True, verbose: bool = False, raw_page_responses: bool = False, raw_response: bool = False)

Get historical financial data for a stock ticker. The financials data is extracted from XBRL from company SEC filings using this methodology Official Docs

This API is experimental and will replace get_stock_financials() in future.

  • ticker – Filter query by company ticker.

  • cik – filter the Query by central index key (CIK) Number

  • company_name – filter the query by company name

  • company_name_search – partial match text search for company names

  • sic – Query by standard industrial classification (SIC)

  • filing_date – Query by the date when the filing with financials data was filed. datetime/date or string YYYY-MM-DD

  • filing_date_lt – filter for filing date less than given value

  • filing_date_lte – filter for filing date less than equal to given value

  • filing_date_gt – filter for filing date greater than given value

  • filing_date_gte – filter for filing date greater than equal to given value

  • period_of_report_date – query by The period of report for the filing with financials data. datetime/date or string in format: YYY-MM-DD.

  • period_of_report_date_lt – filter for period of report date less than given value

  • period_of_report_date_lte – filter for period of report date less than equal to given value

  • period_of_report_date_gt – filter for period of report date greater than given value

  • period_of_report_date_gte – filter for period of report date greater than equal to given value

  • time_frame – Query by timeframe. Annual financials originate from 10-K filings, and quarterly financials originate from 10-Q filings. Note: Most companies do not file quarterly reports for Q4 and instead include those financials in their annual report, so some companies my not return quarterly financials for Q4. See polygon.enums.StockFinancialsTimeframe for choices.

  • include_sources – whether to include the xpath and formula attributes for each financial data point. See the xpath and formula response attributes for more info. False by default

  • order – Order results based on the sort field. ‘asc’ by default. See polygon.enums.SortOrder for choices.

  • limit – number of max results to obtain. defaults to 50.

  • sort – Sort field key used for ordering. ‘filing_date’ default. see polygon.enums.StockFinancialsSortKey for choices.

  • all_pages – Whether to paginate through next/previous pages internally. Defaults to False. If set to True, it will try to paginate through all pages and merge all pages internally for you.

  • max_pages – how many pages to fetch. Defaults to None which fetches all available pages. Change to an integer to fetch at most that many pages. This param is only considered if all_pages is set to True

  • merge_all_pages – If this is True, returns a single merged response having all the data. If False, returns a list of all pages received. The list can be either a list of response objects or decoded data itself, controlled by parameter raw_page_responses. This argument is Only considered if all_pages is set to True. Default: True

  • verbose – Set to True to print status messages during the pagination process. Defaults to False.

  • raw_page_responses – If this is true, the list of pages will be a list of corresponding Response objects. Else, it will be a list of actual data for pages. This parameter is only considered if merge_all_pages is set to False. Default: False

  • raw_response – whether to return the Response Object. Useful for when you need to say check the status code or inspect the headers. Defaults to False which returns the json decoded dictionary.


A JSON decoded Dictionary by default. Make raw_response=True to get underlying response object

Get Stock Splits

This endpoint supports pagination. Passing all_pages=True enables it. See Pagination Support for better info

SyncReferenceClient.get_stock_splits(ticker: str | None = None, execution_date=None, reverse_split: bool | None = None, order: str = 'asc', sort: str = 'execution_date', limit: int = 1000, ticker_lt=None, ticker_lte=None, ticker_gt=None, ticker_gte=None, execution_date_lt=None, execution_date_lte=None, execution_date_gt=None, execution_date_gte=None, all_pages: bool = False, max_pages: int | None = None, merge_all_pages: bool = True, verbose: bool = False, raw_page_responses: bool = False, raw_response: bool = False)

Get a list of historical stock splits, including the ticker symbol, the execution date, and the factors of the split ratio. Official Docs

  • ticker – Return the stock splits that contain this ticker. defaults to no ticker filter returning all.

  • execution_date – query by execution date. could be a date, datetime object or a string YYYY-MM-DD

  • reverse_split – Query for reverse stock splits. A split ratio where split_from is greater than split_to represents a reverse split. By default this filter is not used.

  • order – Order results based on the sort field. defaults to ascending. See polygon.enums.SortOrder for choices

  • sort – Sort field used for ordering. Defaults to ‘execution_date’. See polygon.enums.SplitsSortKey for choices.

  • limit – Limit the size of the response, default is 1000 which is also the max. Pagination is supported by the pagination function below

  • ticker_lt – filter where ticker name is less than given value (alphabetically)

  • ticker_lte – filter where ticker name is less than or equal to given value (alphabetically)

  • ticker_gt – filter where ticker name is greater than given value (alphabetically)

  • ticker_gte – filter where ticker name is greater than or equal to given value (alphabetically)

  • execution_date_lt – filter where execution date is less than given value

  • execution_date_lte – filter where execution date is less than or equal to given value

  • execution_date_gt – filter where execution date is greater than given value

  • execution_date_gte – filter where execution date is greater than or equal to given value

  • all_pages – Whether to paginate through next/previous pages internally. Defaults to False. If set to True, it will try to paginate through all pages and merge all pages internally for you.

  • max_pages – how many pages to fetch. Defaults to None which fetches all available pages. Change to an integer to fetch at most that many pages. This param is only considered if all_pages is set to True

  • merge_all_pages – If this is True, returns a single merged response having all the data. If False, returns a list of all pages received. The list can be either a list of response objects or decoded data itself, controlled by parameter raw_page_responses. This argument is Only considered if all_pages is set to True. Default: True

  • verbose – Set to True to print status messages during the pagination process. Defaults to False.

  • raw_page_responses – If this is true, the list of pages will be a list of corresponding Response objects. Else, it will be a list of actual data for pages. This parameter is only considered if merge_all_pages is set to False. Default: False

  • raw_response – whether to return the Response Object. Useful for when you need to say check the status code or inspect the headers. Defaults to False which returns the json decoded dictionary. This is ignored if pagination is set to True.


A JSON decoded Dictionary by default. Make raw_response=True to get underlying response object. If pagination is set to True, will return a merged response of all pages for convenience.

Get Market Holidays

SyncReferenceClient.get_market_holidays(raw_response: bool = False)

Get upcoming market holidays and their open/close times. Official Docs


raw_response – whether to return the Response Object. Useful for when you need to say check the status code or inspect the headers. Defaults to False which returns the json decoded dictionary.


A JSON decoded Dictionary by default. Make raw_response=True to get underlying response object

Get Market Status

SyncReferenceClient.get_market_status(raw_response: bool = False)

Get the current trading status of the exchanges and overall financial markets. Official Docs


raw_response – whether to return the Response Object. Useful for when you need to say check the status code or inspect the headers. Defaults to False which returns the json decoded dictionary.


A JSON decoded Dictionary by default. Make raw_response=True to get underlying response object

Get Conditions

SyncReferenceClient.get_conditions(asset_class=None, data_type=None, condition_id=None, sip=None, order=None, limit: int = 50, sort='name', all_pages: bool = False, max_pages: int | None = None, merge_all_pages: bool = True, verbose: bool = False, raw_page_responses: bool = False, raw_response: bool = False)

List all conditions that uses. Official Docs

  • asset_class – Filter for conditions within a given asset class. See polygon.enums.AssetClass for choices. Defaults to all assets.

  • data_type – Filter by data type. See polygon.enums.ConditionsDataType for choices. defaults to all.

  • condition_id – Filter for conditions with a given ID

  • sip – Filter by SIP. If the condition contains a mapping for that SIP, the condition will be returned.

  • order – Order results. See polygon.enums.SortOrder for choices.

  • limit – limit the number of results. defaults to 50.

  • sort – Sort field used for ordering. Defaults to ‘name’. See polygon.enums.ConditionsSortKey for choices.

  • all_pages – Whether to paginate through next/previous pages internally. Defaults to False. If set to True, it will try to paginate through all pages and merge all pages internally for you.

  • max_pages – how many pages to fetch. Defaults to None which fetches all available pages. Change to an integer to fetch at most that many pages. This param is only considered if all_pages is set to True

  • merge_all_pages – If this is True, returns a single merged response having all the data. If False, returns a list of all pages received. The list can be either a list of response objects or decoded data itself, controlled by parameter raw_page_responses. This argument is Only considered if all_pages is set to True. Default: True

  • verbose – Set to True to print status messages during the pagination process. Defaults to False.

  • raw_page_responses – If this is true, the list of pages will be a list of corresponding Response objects. Else, it will be a list of actual data for pages. This parameter is only considered if merge_all_pages is set to False. Default: False

  • raw_response – whether to return the Response Object. Useful for when you need to say check the status code or inspect the headers. Defaults to False which returns the json decoded dictionary.


A JSON decoded Dictionary by default. Make raw_response=True to get underlying response object

Get Exchanges

SyncReferenceClient.get_exchanges(asset_class=None, locale=None, raw_response: bool = False)

List all exchanges that knows about. Official Docs

  • asset_class – filter by asset class. See polygon.enums.AssetClass for choices.

  • locale – Filter by locale name. See polygon.enums.Locale

  • raw_response – whether to return the Response Object. Useful for when you need to say check the status code or inspect the headers. Defaults to False which returns the json decoded dictionary.


A JSON decoded Dictionary by default. Make raw_response=True to get underlying response object