Contributing and License

Contributing to the library

A bug you can fix? Improving documentation? Just wanna structure the code better? Every improvement matters.

Read this small guide to know how you can start contributing.

If this is your first time contributing to an open source project, Welcome. You’d probably want to contribute to something you are confident about

Want to discuss anything related to the lib? head over to Developer Discussions. You may also use discussions to ask anything related to contributions or library in general.

Picking up what to work on

If you already know what you’re going to work on, Great! If you don’t or just wanna explore the options; below are the places to look at:

  1. Take a look at open issues and see which ones you can work on.

  2. Anything which could be improved in the documentation or readme ?

  3. Any new endpoints introduced by which are not in the library?

  4. Any changes to endpoints which are already in the lib but not adjusted according to the new changes?

Once you know what to work on, you can proceed with setting up your environment.

Setting Up the Development Environment

May not be needed for documentation improvements.

Dependencies are listed in requirements.txt and

It is highly recommended to install the dependencies in a virtual environment.

pip install virtualenv
virtualenv venv
. venv/bin/activate

The last instruction above is for *nix machines. For windows .\venv\Scripts\activate.bat (or similar) is used

Install the requirements using

pip install -r requirements/requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements/

Now you can make your changes

Testing your changes

Existing Test cases have been removed as part of release 1.1.1 in favor of REWRITING all test cases using a better approach. This will be a work in progress. Please feel free to contribute test cases written in unittest/pytest.

However if you made changes to the documentation, run the below commands to build locally and test the documentation

cd docs
make html

The built docs would be placed under docs/_build/_html. Open index.html here in a browser and see your changes. When you’re happy with them, raise the PR.

Remember to document your changes like this library does already.


Don’t kid yourself. You don’t care what license the project uses, do you? Anyways the project is licensed under MIT License. See License for more details.